Ridgid Upgrade – Microsite

Ridgid has recently introduced several new Seesnake Inspection monitors, dvd recorders and reels with several more on the way. We had previously posted some information about these new items but Ridgid has also created a great microsite (www.RidgidUpgrade.com) just for these new products with additional pictures, videos, PDFs, specs and more.

Some of the new items are in-stock and available now but we are still waiting on the DVDPak & MicroDRAIN. You can pre-order both items from Ohio Power Tool and will get them as soon as they are released without worry of running out of stock and backorders.

If videos aren’t good enough and you want to see the real deal in action there is always the Ridgid Roadshow which is currently traveling around the country, showing off all the new and existing equipment. All this plus there will be free lunch and Ridgid Girls. Mark your calendars for Friday, August 14th when the show stops at Ohio Power Tool in Columbus.        


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