Simplex Jacks for Railroad Cars & Heavy Equipment

Have you ever tried to lift a railroad car or change a tire on a 200 ton earth mover? Most people luckily will never have to attempt such a task but for those that do, the job has gotten much easier thanks to a new line of Simplex jacks. Lifting heavy equipment such as this requires very special kind of tools. The jacks need to be portable, maneuverable, have a large stroke and even larger weight capacity. The Pow’r Riser II fills this tall order with several very customizable options.

The Power Riser comes in 4 basic models 60 ton, 100 ton, 150 ton and 200 ton. Each model is available in two heights 26” or 37” with the option of air-hydraulic or electric-hydraulic power sources (200 ton is air-hydraulic only). A 20’ remote control is also available on most air-hydraulic models. To reach even larger heights there are a series of Sup’r Stack Extenders and spacers which can add an additional 21” max height to any Simplex Pow’r Riser 2.

If you have questions about the Pow’r Riser 2 or any other Simplex Mechanical or Hydraulic Jacks feel free to call the pros at Ohio Power Tool and they will help you find the right tool for the job.  


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